
Thursday, February 24, 2011

Hang In There.It Can Only Get Better!

This might make me sound like a broken record, but I believe that things are always bound to get better. Have you ever had one of those days when you just don't get the way life goes anymore? Sometimes, I do. I question myself why I'm still alive, and the answer, I found out, lies on the question itself.

There will always be days when we're so miserabe, we forget everything but the reason for our misery. It's fine, and your flaws and faults never make you less of a human than everyone else in here. When the time comes when you feel like you're hanging by a flimsy thread of doubtful hope, you better use those damn fingers and cling to the last strand as much as you can. Because you ARE meant to live,and someone else still needs you in their life. If it's true that you're worthless and useless,you wouldn't have been here in the first place.

Self pity is selfishness,for me. You focus so much on how you feel that you start forgetting that the people around you are human beings,too.If you're a part of their lives or they're a part of yours, chances are, they're hurting when you are. The least you can do is to open up to them and let them share your grief or pain,and not shut them out,because whether you admit it or not,you need them.It even benefits you both when you come to them and cry.It benefits you because once you let it all out,everything feels lighter.It benefits them because it makes them feel like they still play an important role in your life. Helping a loved one in times of need is one of the best feelings in the world.

To you reading this,I should know that I do.It doesn't matter to me if I know you or not. We all go through something sometimes. Different problems, different stories, different amounts of pain, but we have something in common: we are all alive,and THAT fact says every answer to all our questions.

Someone needs you. Be strong,please. <3

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