The universe is vast. I used to think it was limitless, infinite. So why, now, do I feel like I'm standing on its edge, going in circles because gravity keeps pulling me down?
I'm connected to you by a string. It is frayed. I need to know why we live like this. Why, after all we've been through, is it still so hard to just let every piece of truth fall from your lips? Lie on your back, take my hand. Tonight, we'll watch the stars fall from the sky.
I'm just a speck in your universe. It is forever changing, leaving little room for stability. I never thought I would be foolish enough to let your hand slip away from my hold. I should have kept my grip. "I'm sorry," I should have said, but I turned my back on you instead.
I'm never one to admit to my mistakes. I don't give up easily, either. But this space between us, it burns, and it expands, until an inch becomes a light year away. We're orbiting two different suns, and for a moment, we thought we could make them merge into one. But then, reality sneaks in, and we're rotating on the same axis, both too fast, neither willing to slow down to somehow soften the blow.
Next thing we know, we're crashing into each other, leaving chaos and a path of endless destruction.
Come down with me, lie on your back. We can walk away tomorrow. There'll be no looking back. But for tonight, we'll watch the ashes fall.
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