
Friday, April 22, 2011

A Random Post On A Silent April Night.

Let me start by saying I LOVE writing. I'm not the best one around and I never opted to be, but writing has gotten me through the toughest times in my life.

For some, it's music. Others get saved by their passion for singing, dancing, acting, helping people. For me, nothing does it better than writing.

Sometimes, it can be a realy dangerous thing. My imagination is so limitless, I sometimes think that as long as I can write it, it can happen. Some of my craziest, most impossible dreams are born on paper, squeezed in between the pages of my black garter bound journal, written during the days' most ridiculous times. There are nights when my mind feels so light and empty that it just floats away, up with the clouds, and only then can I write.

When I write, I'm a princess. That, or a really rich girl whose money is used mostly to buy groceries and paper bags, distributed evenly to the unwealthy families who live in a faraway mountain, whose kids run to hug my knees when they see me arriving fifty feet away. When I write, all is right with the world. I've found true love, I have the perfect set of friends, and my family doesn't get into loud, stupid and shallow arguments. When I write, there are pink clouds over green, grassy hills where all kinds of flowers bloom and dance with the wind. The moon smiles down at night, lullabies sound just like the waves crashing by the shore. When I write, there's a whirlwind of colors, like an abstract painting when the artist can't decide which palette to use, for everything is too beautiful to be left out.

When I write, it's as if the suffocating walls of this room are peeling themselves down one by one, revealing a world filled with butterflies and hummingbirds and tarts and custards and cakes and candy canes. I get transported to a place where happiness is the currency, and everyone smiles and says hello and "I'm sorry," no matter how silly the things they're sorry for are. There are no guns, no war, no one clutching his or her stomach because he or she had to skip lunch and the breakfast before and the diner before that. Politics, race, and religion don't exist. People come as they are. No one gets called gay, lesbian, black, white. You get noticed for the who you are, not for what you are or what people think you are or you should be. When I write, everyone who does good is given due honor. Everyone who does wrong, forgiven and given a chance to start over until they can do it right.

When I write, the world I know becomes the world I want to know. I stand up high in space and look down and see the Earth, and it wears a genuine smile stretched upon its face. How I wish.... How I wish the whole world would take a moment of silence and for once, write.

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