
Friday, April 8, 2011

Three Weaknesses Of Yours

Like I've said on my previous post, I'm one of the weakest people here on Earth. I have too many vices....Nothing illegal, thankfully, but I'm not saying they're good,either. Let's list those three and get it over with?

1. Money

This is my blog and I'm going to be completely honest,or else it'd be pointless. Yup. Let's be truthful. I love money, I do...But I never worship it. I just love spending bucks on books, hello kitty stuff, anything I want to see in my bedroom. I know it's not good, and I know it's not right, and I'm trying to work on it because I know that one day it'll be the thing to tear me down. I'm just saying I came to the point where I lied to my family to get more money. I'm ashamed of myself now that I'm looking back on it, but that time when I was doing it, all that was on my mind was the frenzy, the good,good feeling of having so much money and planning what to buy, where to buy, when to buy. It was like a nightmare.

2. Being A Dreamer

In my head, there's this little castle wherein everything I dream becomes real. It's very dangerous to live in my head, if you'll ask me. One day I'm a chef with a five star restaurant somewhere in Paris, the next, I'm a plain housewife tending to my beautiful daughters and waiting for my beautiful husband to come back home, in a dress on our lush green front yard. My being a dreamer has helped me cope with life a lot, but it sometimes goes as far as me refusing to go out and live in the real world again, because the world in my head is a much better place. I often watch romance movies and my expectations in guys raise up to the fringes of the skies, and I end up wondering what's wrong with us. It's so hard, having this unshakable faith that things will turn out the way I want them to,because I actually expect them to. And this world.....disappoints me time and time again.

3. My Family

The lengths I would go to keep my family together can never be measured. I love them and I'll do anything for them. We're not a perfect family. We have our rows every now and then, and I think it's safe to say that I'm the black sheep, always the rebel and spoiled one, but I'd be lying if I said I was unhappy. Sure, we're not always happy, my aunt and I always fight because she wouldn't cook, or I left my socks on the floor, shallow things like that, but every family have little squabbles every once in a while. Let's just say, without them, I'd be nothing.

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