
Wednesday, April 7, 2010

The Things We Take For Granted That We Will Someday Lose

Has anyone ever told you to first put yourself in others' shoes before you start judging or complaining? I believe that is definitely fair.

Life--it's all about balancing and moderation.For every good,there is bad, same with darkness and light.We will excel in some things,fail in another,but that's just life.It's up to us how we work these strengths and weaknesses to our own advantages, without devising harm against our fellows, of course.

It's never easy to juggle everything when you only have one body-two arms,two feet,two eyes,two ears.We only have one heart and one mind,and 24 hours a day,we use them to survive being a student to our teachers,a child to our parents, a sister/brother to our siblings, a friend, a social aggregate, a neighbor, a stranger.But the hardest part of being ourselves is being ourselves itself.Because it is not all the time that we will be right with the words we say, with the things we believe in, and with the paths we take.

Despite all the negativity,life will still be beautiful for me.I believe that everything happens for a reason,but it is all entirely up to us on how we deal with  the difficulties.As for me,in spite of all the things that go on hurting me,I'd smile and remember that He created darkness for me to appreciate light,noise so that I'd appreciate silence,and goodbye for me to know how lucky I am every time I say hello.

Even though my life is completely effed up at the moment,I can't bring myself to blame anybody,cause this is my life--I chose my fate.Still,I do not regret the way I tried juggling my life in my own two hands,and at the end of every single day,I could still thank Him and feel blessed.I just always bear in my mind that no matter how bad I think my life is,somehow,I'm still lucky to have food in my plate while somewhere,someone is completely famished and hungry.I'm still lucky that I am going to school,taking up the course I want,while somewhere,someone is ready to gamble their life in exchange for a chance of having a good future.And that somewhere,someone is soaked up in rain,spending the night bundled up in nothing but their tattered old clothes,shivering in the cold,while I lie in a comfortable bed under a roof in my own home,never satisfied with what I already have,taking for granted all the things that I should be thankful for.

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