
Tuesday, April 28, 2015

She probably shouldn't be doing this, she thought, as her lips spread into a wide smile. It wasn't something she planned, but things had their way of falling into place, hadn't they? 

A few years, even a few months ago, she never would have believed it was possible to be happy again. Her red balloon flew from her hold. Her favorite ship sank in the middle of an ocean storm. There was no hope for her until now, and she probably shouldn't be doing this. 

It was a bad idea to fall for things beyond your reach. The impossible had always been unattainable. When the sun comes up, she will have to tiptoe back into reality, a bouquet of restored faith in one hand and an even bigger self doubt in the other. 

She probably shouldn't be doing this.

But no one knew how it felt to be held in his strong, able arms. To be tied to an anchor so grounded that it keeps you from drifting back into the black, muddy waters. No one else knew how her heart floated up in her chest upon every mention of his name. No one else had gone to bed with smiling lips in place of pillows soaked in tears. For years, she waited, and now that she found it, she had no plans of letting it go.

But she probably shouldn't be doing this.

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