
Friday, March 11, 2011

A stitch away from making it....

....and a scar away from falling apart.

I've been loittering about on my new Tumblr and I saw that picture and I don't know. It just clicked. I don't know.

This day has been really annoying. One, I've been very sick and I couldn't keep anything down. In fact, my dinner is sitting on my table right now, yet to be smelled or tasted. I'm thinking deeply of becoming a vegetarian. I know some of you might say why not just do it, but it's not THAT easy for me. All my life, I'm never really a big fan of veggies and if I do turn vegetarian, I want to stick to it and actually be vegetarian. So I'm weighing my options right now.

My hands are shaking, not a very good sign. I don't know if it's nerves or hunger or maybe both. And I'm very sleepy,like I could pass out and sleep for days, but I can't do that now.

There was an earthquake this afternoon in Japan. I haven't seen the news yet so I have no freaking idea how bad it is, but my aunt said it was bad enough,so I'm taking her word for it. To everyone in Japan who have lost their friends, families, loved ones, homes, and livelihood, my heart is crying for you. May God bless all of us and provide us the healing we need to get through all of this. To everyone who lives in those places where they gave Tsunami alerts to, stay safe and pray. Pray. It moves mountains.

That's all I have to say today. I have a broken heart to tend to (not mine, but my heart is hurting nonetheless0, and some sleep to catch up on.

Remember, I love you. <3

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