
Saturday, June 19, 2010

I'm Always Gonna Worry About The Things That Can Break Us..

I've been reading a lot lately. Within this week, I've finished Mates Dates and Diamond Destiny, Dear John (for the tenth time), The Last Song, and I'm halfway through The Time Traveler's Wife.

Tomorrow, it's Father's Day. Well, I do not want to elaborate about it right now. Mainly because it still hurts. After almost seven years, I still can't bring myself to think or talk about him without a lump forming in my throat. Until now, I believe it's my fault, and nobody even knows why.

Anyway, screw you, chicken pox. My days of suffering are over, but the scars are starting to appear now. It saddens me big time- if you know me well, you will know why. I'm upset because I won't be able to wear mini skirts and shorts and jumpers for a while. That is one hell of a big deal for me because I love wearing those items of clothing. Dresses are out of the question too. I have scars on my arms.

Earlier today, I made a CD mix of a soundtrack for my fanfiction, Chasing Rainbows. Yeah yeah, I'm crazy. But I love writing that story so much that I'm now stalling just so I could prolong its existence. Not that anyone cares, anyway, but I just can't end it yet. Anywas. I made the CD and imagine my frustration when our oh so fancy CD player won't read it because our oh so fancy CD player only plays original discs. Yes, yes. It's kind of bitching me out, really. So I had to use the China- brand player just so I could listen to my CD. Meh. But it is a pretty good mix. The songs remind me of certain chapters from the story. I guess that's a good thing.

One more thing, my grandmother subtly banned us from drining Coke or Pepsi in the house. Now all we get to drink is iced tea. I like iced tea, but.... I guess it's not a secret how I worship Coke. I CAN'T live without it, so forgive me, gran when I smuggle in some Coke as soon as I get back from school.

That's all that really happened to me this week. It's boring here. I wish I live somewhere else, you know? Like Manila or something.. Anywhere... Where there are city lights and bustling cars and young couples making out in the dark. Hahaha!!

I'm kind of loving and hating The Time traveler's Wife at the same time. It's a complicated novel, I mean, Henry travels back to the past and meets young Clare, and then Clare meets him in the present and he has no idea who she is because he is 40-ish when he traveled to the past and i the present he is just 28 so it hasn't happened yet. Hahaha. I do understand the complexities though. I can follow the timeline but as I have said, I'm only halfway through it so I don't know where it is leading, plot wise. As far as I have read, I think it still lacks sense. Maybe it will get better as it progresses, what do you think? Maybe they'd realize that you actually have to get up from bed in order to live. It seems to me like all Henry ever does is time travel or have sex with Clare. Haha!

That's it for now. I just joined MySpace, by the way. It's confusing.

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